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QCA Research

QCA Research gives the user extra features to assess the coronary arteries

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QCA can be extended with research functionality. QCA research has specific additional functionality for both single vessel and bifurcation analysis. Drug Eluting Stent (DES) analysis enables the user to evaluate restenosis and edge effects in pre-, post- and follow-up studies. With User Defined Subsegments (UDS), the vessel of interest can be divided in multiple subsegments and the curvature of these subsegments can be determined. UDS can for example be used in studies with biodegradable stents. 
With the Bifurcation 6- and 11-Segment Model (BSM) implanted bifurcation stents can be quickly compared in pre-, post- and follow-up studies.

Key Results 

  • Up to 6 subsegments analysis results
  • Drug Eluting Stent subsegment analysis results
  • Results of evaluation of auto subsegment analysis
  • 6 and 11 subsegment analysis for bifurcation vessels
Key product features
  • Drug Eluting Stent analysis: evaluation of restenosis and edge effects with a dedicated segment model
  • User Defined Subsegment analysis: divide the vessel in multiple subsegments
  • Independent evaluation of multiple segments within one vessel part
  • Dedicated models for bifurcation analysis: 6 and 11 segment model


  • Grundeken M et al. Segmental comparison between a dedicated bifurcation stent and balloon angioplasty using intravascular ultrasound and three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography: A subgroup analysis of the Tryton IDE randomized trial 2016: Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions.
  • Schrauwen JT, Karanasos A, van Ditzhuijzen NS, Aben JP, van der Steen AF, Wentzel JJ, Gijsen FJ. Influence of the Accuracy of Angiography-Based Reconstructions on Velocity and Wall Shear Stress Computations in Coronary Bifurcations: A Phantom Study. PLoS One 2015; ­10 (12).
  • Muramatsu T, Grundeken MJ, Ishibashi Y, Nakatani S, Girasis C, Campos CM, Morel M, Jonker H, Winter RJ, Wykrzykowska JJ, Garcia-Garcia HM, Leon MB, Serruys PW, Onuma Y. Comparison between two- and three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography bifurcation analyses for the assessment of bifurcation lesions: A subanalysis of the Tryton Pivotal IDE Coronary Bifurcation Trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2015.
  • Girasis C, Schuurbiers JCH, Marumatsu T, Aben JP, Onuma Y, Soekhradj S, Morel MA, Van Geuns RJ, Wentzel JJ and Serruys PW. Advanced three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiographic assessment of bifurcation lesions: methodology and phantom validation. EuroIntervention 2013; 8: 1451-1460
  • Schuurbiers JCH, Lopez NG, Ligthart J, Gijsen, FJH, Dijkstra J, Serruys PW, van der Steen AF and Wentzel JJ. In vivo validation of CAAS QCA-3D coronary reconstruction using fusion of angiography and intravascular ultrasound (ANGUS). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2009; 73(5): 620-6
  • Ramcharitar S, Daemen J, Patterson M, Van Geuns RJ, Boersma E, Serruys PW and Van der Giessen W. First direct in vivo comparison of two commercially available three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography systems. Catherization and Cardiovascular Interventions 2009; 71: 44-50
  • Rzeszutko LJ, Partyka L, Roman LW, Tijdens F, Barycz G, Slots T, Nyssen V, Kaluza G and Dariusz D. Accuracy and precision of a novel 3D angiographic reconstruction and quantification software (CAAS QCA 3D) in measuring intracoronary length using marker wire in angioplasty patients. TCT 2007
  • Onuma Y, Girasis C, Aben JP, Sarno G, Piazza N, Lokkerbol C, Morel MA, Serruys PW. A novel dedicated 3-dimensional quantitative coronary analysis methodology for bifurcation lesions. Eurointervention 2011.

Why choose us?

We always aim to improve the quality and efficiency of cardiovascular image analysis to optimize patient treatment. To realize this, we:

  • Provide fast and user-friendly software;
  • Align our product portfolio with the latest developments in the cardiovascular field. In this way we aim to provide our customers with the optimal software solution at the right time;
  • Offer training options which can be tailored to your needs.

We believe in the importance of training and support to assure that all our users are proficient and comfortable with their analysis. Please visit our Training & Support page for more information.